
Åll signs point to video generating the biggest bang for your marketing dollars. Check out our statistics video for some of the most pertinent statistics of the last year. These and more on our blog are proof positive that every business should be taking advantage of the ever growing consumer video viewing of informational videos prior to making purchase decisions.

Check out all our video packages HERE, contact us if you have special considerations.

Intro Videos

CASE STUDY #1: Investor Presentation Videos

Franklin Wolfson, CEO of REW or Revenue Enhancement Worldwide, had a complicated business concept that he wished to convey to venture capital investors and decided a series of videos explaining the UltraPERX business model was the best way to present a comprehensive message that investors could watch again at their leisure. At the time of production there was a meeting with a potentially large investor in less than five weeks and studio T! west was able to orchestrate the video creation with two other production companies and a few voice over professionals in our network. As with all things business and marketing, time is of the essence, finishing in a timely manner the video series also maintained visual continuity while communicating an overview in an original entertaining format for each video in the series. These videos have been instrumental in Franklin being able to easily convey his complex idea in an entertaining way.

CASE STUDY #2: Artist Gallery Showcase Videos

Louie Tozser Design had just opened their new gallery and shop on Main Street in the historic district of Riverside, California and wanted to get the message out with an introduction to Louie, the artist, as he shows his works and explains the inspiration and process of fruition. We also ranked several of these videos in Google searches on page one or two for: restored stage light, restored stage lights, restored stage lighting, stage light restoration, stage light restored, stage lighting restoration, stage lighting restored, stage light refurbishing, stage lighting refurbishing or restored bowling lane bar, bowling lane bar restoration, bowling lane bar restored, restored bowling alley bar stools, bowling alley bar stool restoration and you will find one of the videos studio T! west produced and ranked for Louie Tozser Design. Louie closed the deal with the City of Riverside for the purchase of the Accept Difference sculpture of which we produced a video.

CASE STUDY #3: Ding Repair Company Marketing Campaign Videos

DingDrX Surfboard Repair was well established in the surf professional mecca of San Clemente, California, when they opened a new shop in Huntington Beach the SC locals thought they moved completely. To correct that misconception we created a series of videos explaining the repair process and displaying the artistic talents of Randall, one of the owners. We also co-branded with TPatterson Surf Shop, Surfrider Foundation and the Friends of San Clemente Beaches, Parks and Recreation Foundation featuring the music of local bands to help spread the word. A search for ding repair san clemente, surfboard repair san clemente, fin gash repair san clemente and fin plug repair san clemente will show DingDrX Surfboard Repair dominating the first SERP (Search Engine Results Page). They have done no SEO since we worked with them several years ago when we completely dominated the SERP with four videos, their site and parasites (directories and social sites). They still have several rankings and business has never been better.


Keep in mind this was in the advent of the studio T! west video department and was filmed with standard-definition resolution. At that point we were more focused on Search Engine Optimization, getting ranked and the phone a ringing. We now shoot with high-definition cameras, however these marketing campaigns were so successful in reminding the locals that, the San Clemente Times’ Best Surf Repair Shop, DingDrX Surfboard Repair was still opened in San Clemente. Proof positive that video marketing has long term returns on investment and staying power in search engine rankings.

Testimonial Videos

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