Åll signs point to video generating the biggest bang for your marketing dollars. Check out our statistics video for some of the most pertinent statistics of the last year. These and more on our blog are proof positive that every business should be taking advantage of the ever growing consumer video viewing of informational videos prior to making purchase decisions.
Check out all our video packages HERE, contact us if you have special considerations.
Intro Videos
CASE STUDY #1: Investor Presentation Videos
CASE STUDY #2: Artist Gallery Showcase Videos
CASE STUDY #3: Ding Repair Company Marketing Campaign Videos
Keep in mind this was in the advent of the studio T! west video department and was filmed with standard-definition resolution. At that point we were more focused on Search Engine Optimization, getting ranked and the phone a ringing. We now shoot with high-definition cameras, however these marketing campaigns were so successful in reminding the locals that, the San Clemente Times’ Best Surf Repair Shop, DingDrX Surfboard Repair was still opened in San Clemente. Proof positive that video marketing has long term returns on investment and staying power in search engine rankings.
Testimonial Videos
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